welcoming all people into
an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ
Sunday Services
Join us for In-person worship Sundays at 7:30 am, 8:30 am and 11:00 am. Masks are optional. Please note that the 11 am Service is live-streamed on our YouTube Channel.
The Church of the Holy Faith uses a traditional Anglo-Catholic style of worship following the Book of Common Prayer, Rite I for all services except the Taizé Service.
- 7:30 am Spoken Eucharist in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd
- 8:30 am Spoken Eucharist in the Church with Hymns and Anthems sung by our Choir
- 11:00 am Choral Eucharist in the Church with sung Chants and Prayers
Weekday Services
Morning Prayer – Every weekday – Church Chancel
- 9:00 am silent prayer
- 9:15 am morning prayer
Taizé Service with Healing Prayers – every Tuesday. Located in the Church
- 6 pm
Holy Eucharist – Wednesday – Chapel of the Good Shepherd
- 12:10 pm
Evening Prayer – Every weekday – Chapel of the Good Shepherd
- 4:30 pm
Easter 2025
April 13, The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
- 8:30 am Holy Eucharist with Hymns and Anthems
- 10:00 am Procession to the Plaza for blessing of the palms
- 11:00 am Solemn High Eucharist (with incense)
April 14, Monday in Holy Week
- 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist
April 15, Tuesday in Holy Week
- 6:00 pm Taize Eucharist
April 16, Wednesday in Holy Week
- 9:00 am Pilgrimage to Chimayo
- 12:10 pm Holy Eucharist
- 7:00 pm Tenebrae
April 17, Maundy Thursday
- 3:30 pm Children’s Foot Washing
- 7:00 pm Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar
- 9:00 pm All-night Vigil in the Garden of Repose
April 18, Good Friday
- 7:00 am Mass of the Pre-sanctified
- 12-3:00 pm The Seven Last Words from the Cross
- 7:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy and Veneration of the Cross
April 19, Holy Saturday
- 7:30 pm The Great Vigil of Easter (with incense) followed by a festive reception
April 20, Easter Day
- 8:30 am Choral Eucharist
- 10:00 am Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and Reception
- 11:00 am Solemn High Eucharist (with incense)
Attendance for Sunday Services
Thank you for your interest in attending The Church of the Holy Faith. Masks are optional.
View live streaming or past services on our YouTube channel
Current and recent Worshipcast Service Booklets and, when available, text of each Sunday’s Sermon are available on our Worshipcast and Sermons page.
Announcements for the week beginning February 16, 2025
- Nursery – A Nursery for children 4 years and younger is available in Conkey House on Sundays from 8:15 am through the 11:00 am service.
- Hospital Notification – Holy Faith Parishioners admitted to the hospital are encouraged to contact one of the Holy Faith Clergy. Due to HIPAA restrictions, hospitals are not authorized to release patient information, and therefore our Clergy are often unaware when a parishioner has been admitted to the hospital. We take our pastoral responsibilities seriously and want to bring the ministry of prayer and healing to our parishioners.
- Adult Forum – Exploring Theological Dilemmas – A “dilemma” is a tough choice. Originating from the Greek for “double proposition,” a dilemma is a problem with no apparent satisfactory solution. For three Sundays in February, Mother Lynn will lead a discussion on theological dilemmas that encourage us all to wrestle with, and dig deeper into, our understanding of God and the world. February 16th: The Dilemma of Evil and the Dilemma of Christianity and Other World Religions. February 23rd: The Dilemma of Christian Ethics and The Dilemma of Continuity and Change. All Sunday Forums begin at 10:00 a.m.
- Parish Office Closure – The parish office is closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents’ Day.
- Help Feed Our Neighbors at Pete’s Place – Holy Faith will be feeding the guests at Pete’s Place (Interfaith Community Shelter) Sunday, February 23 through Saturday, March 1. We need volunteers to both serve at the Shelter, and/or prepare the delicious offerings that Holy Faith is known for! Each night of that week we will feed approximately 90 hungry people and we need main course offerings, vegetable offerings and hearty salads (see the signup posters in Palen Hall for details). Please contact Dora Horn (clintvhorn@aol.com or 505-603- 8535) or Cathy Gronquist (cathy@gronquist.org or 505-231-4557) or sign up to prepare and deliver food and to serve The sign-up sheets are on the table in Palen Hall on Sundays during coffee hour. Cash, in lieu of food, is also welcome. For those who wish to serve, we will need to have teams of 4 persons, and you can serve once or as often as you’d like. Families are encouraged to consider serving if you have children of Jr. High age or above. Food should arrive at the Shelter, heated and ready to serve between 5 and 5:50. Food service will start at 6pm. Those who are serving food should plan to arrive no later than 5:45pm and should be able to leave by 8pm. Thank you all for supporting this important outreach.
- Lenten Meditations – To assist in our journey together during the Lenten season, we will compile a booklet of Lenten Meditations, written by members of our parish family. Click the button below to view the sign-up sheet containing the appropriate lessons for each of the 40 days of Lent. Contact Donna at donna@holyfaithchurchsf.org or Mark at medw.childers@gmail.com to find out what days are still available and to sign up. A meditation may be based on any one of the lessons provided specific to the day assigned. Meditations should be no more than a paragraph in length or approximately 150 words. You are also welcome to write for more than just one day. Please email your meditation(s) to Mark Childers, at medw.childers@gmail.com no later than February 24th.
- Ashes for Ash Wednesday – If you have palms from last year’s Palm Sunday, please bring them into the parish office by Tuesday, March 4, so they may be burned to make ashes for our Ash Wednesday services.
- Beware of Gift Card Scam – This scam continues to target churches across the country. Scam emails designed to look as though they have been sent by the rector or bishop requesting “a favor” prey upon the loyalty and generosity of church members. Do not be fooled – legitimate emails from Fr. Robin always originate from fr.robin@holyfaithchurchsf.org. Fr. Robin will never email you asking for a gift card. The only email address that Bishop Michael will use for DRG business is bishophunn@dioceserg.org.
- Recycle for Sight and Hearing Aid Recycling Program – The Capital City Lions Club collects used eyeglasses and hearing aids for distribution to those in need. If you have old or no longer needed eyeglasses, sunglasses or hearing aids, please donate them in the collection box that is near the back entry to Palen Hall or phone Sylvia Stevens at 946-0473 for more information. “Where there is a need, there is a Lion.”