Bible Studies

  • Evening Bible Study meets on Mondays at 5:30 pm
  • Men’s Bible Study on Wednesdays at 3 pm
  • Women’s Bible Study on Thursdays at 10 am

Men’s and Evening Bible Study meet in the Campbell Room; all other groups meet in the Youth Room – upstairs in Conkey House.  No special materials are needed, but a bible, of course, is a must. The discussion is lively, and newcomers are always welcome.

Evening Bible Study:  Jan. 13  – Acts Ch. 8.4
Men’s Bible Study:  Jan. 15 – Acts Ch. 10.1
Women’s Bible Study: Jan. 16  – Acts Ch. 7.17

Spiritual Classics Book Study

Every Tuesday at 10:00 am there is a study of a Christian classic chosen by the group. Since the study began in the fall of 2010, the group has read and discussed The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, The Confession of St. Augustine and Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love. The conversation is freewheeling, and newcomers to the group feel welcome from the first day.

Continuing on Jan. 14  Seeking God by Esther deWaal, beginning with Ch. 2 “The Invitation”

Sunday Forum

Sunday adult forums, held in person between services at 10:00 a.m. in Palen Hall focus on Christian formation presented in a way that both informs and entertains. Subjects include Bible study, Christian history and sound doctrine, with a little poetry mixed in.

Mother Lynn’s Triduum Presentation from March 10, 2024

Click here to Download and save a copy of this Presentation

Father Robin’s Benedictine Spirituality Sunday Forum presentation from October 16, 2022.

Education for Ministry (EfM) Program

EfM is a program of the University of the South, better known as Sewanee, and has a 50 year history of involving lay people in learning about their personal faith and understanding. This is not a program for people thinking they wish to become ordained, rather it is a program for the lay parishioners wanting to discover and learn about the development and evolvement of their faith. It is not Bible Study either, even though both the Old and New Testaments are used to explore a better understanding of faith and spirituality. While the program is a four-year program that results in a certificate from Sewanee, it is an annual commitment to continue. Steven Berkshire will be leading the group at Holy Faith. Steve has been involved in the EfM program since 2004 and is certified mentor for the program. He facilitates the group in its exploration and learning rather than teaches as one might expect in a classroom.  As a four-year program, each year explores a different aspect of our faith and spirituality. The first year explores the Old Testament using a textbook and discussion format. The second year explores the New Testament, also using a textbook. In the third year we explore the history of Christianity. And during the fourth year we explore our personal understanding of our faith. A major aspect of EfM is learning how to theologically reflect on issues facing us as Episcopalians and Christians. If there are participants from more than one year, we still meet together as one group. There are several opportunities for inter-year discussions. We meet weekly on Thursday evenings for about two-hours from September to the end of May at the Church.
If interested please  contact Steve Berkshire at or by calling 505.557.6576.

Women’s Spirituality Gatherings and Study

Holy Faith’s Women’s Spirituality Group meets for study and seasonal retreats and is open to all women of the parish and Santa Fe community. Recent study groups have included theological works of Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila and Sister Joan Chittister. The next Women’s Quiet Day is scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 2025, with Deborah Smith Douglas. Deborah Smith Douglas has degrees in literature and law, and is a writer, conference speaker, and Ignatian-trained spiritual director.

For more information about the Women’s Spirituality Group contact Mtr. Madelynn at (505) 780-0801 or