At Holy Faith there are a myriad of opportunities to support each other, our friends and families through prayer. The following are some of the groups who meet regularly to support the prayer life of our church.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Begun in 2005, our ministry has knitted and gifted over 880 shawls to date. The shawls are free and we encourage the congregation to pick up a shawl from the cupboard in the Kinsolving room for anyone they know in need of extra prayers.

These shawls are knitted or crocheted prayerfully, then when completed, blessed at the altar and again by the Rosary group. We have not yet returned to meeting in person but hope to continue to grow in membership and visibility within the church. We encourage you to join us.

For more information, please contact Allyson Adams at 983-0283 or

Society of Mary

Our Lady of the Holy Faith and Consolation Ward of the Society of Mary meets every Tuesday at 5:15 p.m. in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. Our group has met since 1996, using A Doorway to Silence: A Contemplative Use of the Rosary by the late Reverend Robert Llewelyn, an Anglican priest. New participants are welcome anytime, even if you have never prayed the Rosary before. We have new guides that make it easy to join in the prayers, and rosaries are available for those who don’t have one. Come and try this meditative spiritual practice and honor the Mother of our Lord!

The Order of the Daughters of the King

adults - prayer ministires - DOK logoThe Frederick B. Howden Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King at The Church of the Holy Faith is a Holy Order dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism. We are a Holy Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Today our membership includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches. We meet monthly, September through May for light refreshments, fellowship, and a brief business meeting followed by our bible study lesson and a service of Evening Prayer.

For more information contact Barbara Dedmon on 505-690-9831 or