Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Visitors bring Holy Communion to residents at retirement communities and to individuals in their home who cannot attend regular worship services in church. The priests join them periodically for anointing and blessing at these services. For information about the group, contact the parish office at (505) 982-4447, or email
Lay Pastoral Visiting Team
This team is comprised of compassionate parishioners who visit the homebound bringing friendship and assistance to those in need. The team provides special care that supplements the pastoral care of the parish clergy. For information about the group or to volunteer, contact the parish office at (505) 982-4447.
Bereavement Ministry
Grief emerges in many ways and from many sources, not just physical loss. Encountering grief from whatever source requires solitude as well as times of connection to be seen, heard and supported. As part of The Church of the Holy Faith Grief Ministry, the Healing Resource Center is your space and contains a large library dedicated to spiritual health and healing.