Children’s Chapel
Children gather each Sunday in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd to worship God together by sharing songs, prayers, and Bible stories within a liturgy that expresses their joy and love in God. The chapel services begin at 8:30 am and again at 11:00 am and each service ends with the children processing into the main church to rejoin their families in the pews (during the sharing of the peace.) Children’s chapel is led by trained volunteers and parents who want to help each child grow in the knowledge and love of God. Each of these adult volunteers will have attended a Safe Church and Safe Communities program which is mandated by the Diocese and which teaches volunteers how to properly behave with youth and protect children from child predators.
Children’s Adventures
Seasonal experiences held Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 5pm. Meet in Palen Hall. No reservations required. Usually held four times per year: Lent/Summer/Fall/Advent.
Youth Acolytes
Children may start training to be acolytes for the Sunday services once they are in 3rd grade. Contact Mark Childers at to enroll your child in this program.