Looking Forward
beginning April 20, 2020 – Coptic Icon Painting Workshop
Celebrate the Easter season with a five-week icon painting workshop led by Bonnie Hardwick. Participants will each write a Resurrection icon in the Ethiopian Coptic tradition. The experience will include an introduction to Coptic icons, instruction in technique, community interaction, and prayerful painting. No previous art experience is required. The icon is estimated to take 15 hours, so the first session will be Monday afternoon, April 20, 1-4 p.m., and then for four consecutive Saturday mornings, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., from April 25 through May 16. Sessions will be in the Youth Room. Cost will be $100: $50 to cover the cost of most materials; a $50 donation to the Holy Faith library for the purchase of much-needed Coptic icon books. Space is limited to 10. To register, contact Bonnie Hardwick at bhardwick2@msn.com or 982-8505 by April 10.
by April 3, 2020 – Easter Lillies for Easter
If you wish to make a special donation for Easter Lilies, please fill out this FORM and return it to the parish office or email the information to donna@holyfaithchurchsf.org. We must receive your donation form by Friday, April 3.
as of March 17, 2020 – Holy Faith will suspend all public services of worship effectively immediately and until further notice.
Please visit this site for updates as they become available.
Looking Back
February 18, 2020 – Daughter’s of the King to hold Valentine Tea for the Women of the Parish, 3pm
The Order of the Daughters of the King invites you to our Valentine’s Tea Tuesday, February 18th, at 3 p.m. in the Kinsolving Room. Come check us out! See if you would be interested in joining our group of prayer and evangelism, monthly book study and service to others! Please come and please RSVP to jackiwalker@me.com!
no later than February 17, 2020 – Lenten Meditations due
In our call to the observance of a holy Lent, provided for in the Liturgy for Ash Wednesday, the people of God are invited, among other things, to “meditate on God’s holy Word.” To assist in our journey together during the Lenten season, it is our hope to provide a booklet of Lenten Meditations, written by members of our parish family. A sign-up sheet containing the appropriate lessons for each of the 40 days of Lent has been posted on the bulletin board in the hallway next to the Palin Hall kitchen. You may also access these lessons by contacting Donna Lukacs, in the Parish Office during the regular work week. A meditation may be based on any one of the lessons provided specific to the day assigned. Meditations should be no more than a paragraph in length or approximately 150 words. You are also welcome to write for more than just one day. Please email your meditation(s) to Mark Childers, at medw.childers@gmail.com no later than February 17th.
February 11, 2020 – Children’s Valentine Adventures, 3:30pm to 5pm
We will be making and decorating valentine cookies and then creating cards for the seniors at El Castillo and the homebound of our parish. Children of all ages are invited to come to learn more about sharing the love of Jesus. Any adults interested in being part of the afternoon, please let Mother Pam know.
February 10, 2020 – Prayer Shawl Ministry meets, 5:30pm to 7pm
February 8, 2020 – Women’s Quiet Day
The eighth annual Quiet Day entitled “Hildegard of Bingen: An Invitation to Wholeness and Holiness” will be led by the Very Reverend Peggy Patterson, former Associate Rector of Holy Faith. Hildegard was a mystic, musician, healer, poet, abbess, and church reformer. The day will include three presentations: an introduction to her innovations in chants and canticles, a study of her spiritual art, and time for silent reflection. A continental breakfast, light lunch, and a folder of Hildegard’s art will all be part of the day. It will close with the Holy Eucharist including a homily by the presenter and Hildegard’s music. To register contact the parish office at 982-4447 or donna@holyfaithchurchsf.org before January 22.
January 26, 2020 – Parish Annual Meeting at 4pm
The annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, at 4 pm. All parish ministry reports for 2019 are due by Friday, January 10. Please submit reports to Donna in the parish office or via email to donna@holyfaithchurch.org. Contact Donna with any questions or if you need assistance.
January 23, 2020 – Pastors’ Panel
January 15, 2020 at 5:30pm – Pre-Annual Meeting Information Session
January 14, 2020 at 3pm – Library Open House 
“The Mosaic of St. Francis” presented by Mother Connie Delzell. Mtr. Connie was a major force in creating the new mosaic at St Bede’s. She also created the St. Francis mosaic which was presented by St. Bede’s to Holy Faith in gratitude for our generous support of their extensive renovation and expansion.
We are compiling the 2020 Parish Directory and encourage you to notify the parish office if you have any updates to your contact information, wish to submit a photo, or you have special instructions regarding your entry in the parish directory. The deadline for directory updates is December 31. If you have questions, please contact donna@holyfaithchurchsf.org or call the parish office at 982-4447. Directories will be distributed at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26.
December 14, 2019 – Grief Ministry Workshop – 9am – 5pm
The parish’s Grief Ministry is inviting parishioners and non-parishioners to join together to offer open hearts and ears to one another at this workshop. Grief and bereavement appear in many guises and arise from many different causes. The holiday season often accentuates these difficult emotions. Increasing awareness and marshaling one’s inner resources in the face of grief and loss often benefits from accessing the love and wisdom of others who are traveling a similar road. Three experienced facilitators of the Grief Ministry are honored to open a space for emotional and spiritual healing in a group setting. The workshop fee is $25. A free lunch, snacks, and drinks will be served. Registration is required by Monday, December 9th. Please contact Gordon Hawthorne at gordonhawthorne1@gmail.com with questions and for registration.
December 14, 2019 – Free Spirits Christmas Potluck
The Free Spirits Christmas potluck party will be held at the home of Rebecca Tobey on Saturday, December 14, from 3:30 to 5:30. We will have a gag gift exchange of funny gifts under $10. Please RSVP if you can come and also what you plan to bring to the potluck to Rebecca at rutobey@yahoo.com.
before December 13, 2019 – order your Christmas Flowers and Farolitos
If you would like to make a special donation for poinsettias or farolitos this Christmas, please fill out this FORM, and return to the parish office. You may also email the information to donna@holyfaithchurchsf.org. We must receive your donation form by Friday, Dec. 13.
December 12, 2019 – Lectio Divina for the Women of the Parish
Come experience Lectio Divina (praying the scriptures) on the first two Thursdays in Advent, Dec. 5 and 12. Two sessions will be offered, 2 to 3:30 and 5 to 7. The afternoon class will be held in the Kinsolving Room. Children are invited to come to the evening class and we’ll begin in the Youth Room with a light dinner. After dinner the children will go to the playroom (nursery) and the adults will go to the Kinsolving Room. Registration is limited and is required by Monday, Dec. 2. Please contact the parish office to register.
December 10, 2019 – Children’s Advent Adventures from 3:30 to 5pm
We are approaching a very exciting time in our Church Year. To prepare the children we are having two (2) special Tuesday Advent Adventures with the children to be held on December 3rd & 10th from 3:30 to 5 in the Youth Room upstairs in Conkey House. On December 3rd we will be learning about the Advent wreath and will make one to take home.
December 10, 2019 – Daughters of the King Holiday Open House
All are invited to join the Daughters of the King at 3 p.m. on December 10 in the Kinsolving Room for a festive cookie exchange and holiday open house.
December 6 and 7, 2019 – 137th St. Nicholas Bazaar
Great shopping 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7, and at the Twice Blessed Preview Sale 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Friday, December 6 (with $10 donation at the door)! Are you baking cookies, breads, pies, tarts? Making candy? You can bring these delicacies to Palen Hall on Friday morning December 6 after 9 a.m. and we will package and price. Questions? Call Sue Angel at 507-261-1771.
November 24, 2019 – Pledge In-Gathering
Pledge forms for the support of Holy Faith’s mission and ministry for 2020 will be gratefully received at the offering at all three services for blessing here at God’s altar.
November 24, 2019 – Annual Parish Thanksgiving Dinner at 5pm
beginningOctober 27th through November 2, 2019 – Shelter Service Week
Sign-up sheets are now available in Palen Hall for Holy Faith’s Shelter service week beginning Sunday, October 27, and ending Saturday, November 2. We will need to provide main courses and salad/vegetables for 100+ hungry people every night and volunteers to serve. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Van Swift (Shelter Board representative from Holy Faith: 577-2168), Dora Horn (603-8535) or Cathy Gronquist (231-4557). Everyone is welcome to participate in this important outreach to our brothers and sisters in need.
October 25, 2019, 3 pm – Annual Scheffler Lecture with Rev. John W. Price
The Reverend John W. Price, author of Revealing Heaven, The Christian Case for Near Death Experiences, presents the annual Scheffler lecture in Palen Hall. For seven years Fr. Price served as Chaplain at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in the Texas Medical Center, where experiences found their voice in his book. Refreshments will follow the lecture.TT
October 20 and 27, 2019 – Adult Forums
October 13 and 22, 2019 – Vestry Listening Sessions
Following the special Vestry Meeting in May to hear parishioners’ concerns, a task force was established to consider substantively and procedurally how to establish an endowment fund, the income of which could be used for operational expenditures. The task force recommended to the vestry amending the parish by-laws to include a new Article VII that would create and govern an Operations Endowment Fund. The vestry concurred with the task force’s recommendation and would like to get the parish’s feedback to see if it is on the right path. Two listening sessions will be held in Palen Hall – on Sunday, October 13, at 4 p.m. and Tuesday, October 22, at 7 p.m. – to discuss the proposed amendment and solicit parishioner input before any consideration of amending the by-laws at a Parish Meeting. Interested parishioners are invited to attend either or both listening sessions. The text of the proposed Article VII can be found HERE. Copies will be available at each listening session.
October 13, 2019 – Free Spirits Lunch
Meet at 1:30 the Free Spirits will go to lunch at Rancho de Chimayo. Please meet in Palen Hall following the 11:00 service to carpool to the restaurant. Please RSVP to Jacki Walker at jackiwalker@me.com. Last minute participants should check with Jacki to make sure there is enough ro
October 10, 2019 – Stewardship of Creation Initial Meeting at 5:30pm
A committee is forming under the leadership of parishioner John Barton to increase recycling efforts on Holy Faith’s campus and to reduce the parish’s carbon footprint. Its first meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10, a5 5:30pm, in the Campbell Room. All interested pa5:30pm, parishioners are invited to attend.
October 6, 2019 – Blessing of the Animals
On October 6 at 4 p.m. join us in the St. Francis garden of the church with your pets. Following a brief prayer service, we will bless dogs, cats, and other pets on leashes or in carriers (please). Pets will receive special “cookies,” a signed certificate with their name and a prayer for the year ahead. Dr. Brent Parker will once again be at the “Ask the Vet” table. There will be refreshments for all their human friends, as well as special activities for families.
September 17, 2019 – Daughter’s of the King meeting at 3pm
The next meeting of the Daughters of the King will be held at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17. We will meet in the Kinsolving Room. If you are interested in joining us please come to the meeting.
September 16, 2019 – KnitWits meeting 5:30 to 7pm
The KnitWits will be meeting Monday, September 16, from 5:30 to about 7 p.m. in the Kinsolving Room. Please join us for a relaxing evening of knitting, chatting, and (of course) cookies. Call Allyson at 983-0283 with any questions. Next meeting is November 4.
September 15 – 29, 2019 – United Thank Offering
The UTO fall campaign begins on Sept. 15 and continues through the ingathering on Sunday, Sept. 29. The UTO provides a way to transform your thankfulness for all that God has done for you into blessings for others in need, especially women and children. Every cent given goes directly to fund selected grants and programs supporting ministries throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Envelopes and boxes can be found in baskets at the rear of the nave beginning Sept. 15. For more information contact Chris Frenk at cfrenk@impulse.net.
Sign up by September 15, 2019 – Dinner for 8
The beauty of a church the size of Holy Faith is that we’re large enough to offer a variety of ministries, but still small enough for parishioners to get know one another, and Fr. Robin, Fr. Jim and Mother Pam would like to facilitate that by offering a “Dinner for 8” program. Simply sign up and we’ll match you with up to 7 other people who also desire to get to know other Holy Faith members. Couples and singles are all welcome to participate. You will meet 3 times – once in October, November and December – rotating hosting homes or not, depending on everyone’s wishes. Click HERE to sign up electronically or you can fill out a paper form from the back of the church and turn it into the office. If you have any questions, contact Fr. Jim at fr.jimgordon@gmail.com.
September 15, 2019 – Kid’s Sunday Adventures
Between the 8:30 and 11:00 services, we will begin “Kid’s Sunday Adventures”. We will offer a new and exciting adventure each week for children ages 4 -14. If any adults wish to help with the Kid’s Adventures, please call Mother Pam†.
August 4, 2019 – Farewell to Deacon Pat
As a deacon is under the direct authority of the bishop, Bishop Hunn has decided to reassign our deacon, The Rev’d Pat Masterman, to another parish or mission in the diocese. Deacon Pat’s last day at Holy Faith will be August 4. Please come that Sunday for breakfast hosted by men of the parish between the 8:30 and 11:00 services to say farewell to Deacon Pat as we thank her for her ministry amongst us.
July 22, 2019 – Prayer Shawl Ministry
Summertime KnitWits: We will meet on Monday, July 22, in the Kinsolving Room from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Please join us for a relaxing evening of handiwork and lemonade. Call Allyson at 983-0283 with questions. The next meeting will be August 5.
July 19, 2019 – Free Spirits
On Friday afternoon, July 19, at 2 p.m., singers of the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, along with a string Quartet of Santa Fe’s finest instrumentalists, will present a concert at Holy Faith. Discounted tickets for the Free Spirits are $36, and there are 12 tickets reserved for the group. Please RSVP to Rebecca Tobey at rutobey@yahoo.com if you are interested in going.
June 23, 2019 – Bishop’s Annual Visitation and Confirmations
Bishop Hunn made his annual visit to Holy Faith on Sunday, June 23, and performed the Rite of Confirmation for the following members of the Holy Faith Parish Family: Andy Blanco, Lulu Blanco, Paul Cooter, Mother Pam Graham, Rich Kaminski, Ken Kochbeck, Olivia Kochbeck, Lisa Moore, Olivia Moreno-Carlson, Laura Post and Brenda Springsted.
July 8, 2019 – Celtic Spirituality Class
Come join Mother Pam on Mondays from 2 to 3:15 p.m., beginning on July 8th, as we discuss Celtic Spirituality. We will begin with the DVD “A Celtic Pilgrimage” with John O’Donohue, and continue with the book Walking the Edges: Living in the Presence of God by David Adam. The class will be held for six weeks, ending with a Celtic Eucharist on August 19th. We will meet in the Campbell Room.
June 25, 2019 – Library Open House
Shelby Green is the Library Open House speaker and she will be talking in the library on June 25 at 3 p.m. in the Library with light refreshments after in the Kinsolving room. Her topic will be “Flowers for the Major Events of the Church Year” as well as the stories that flowers can tell and their secret meanings.
June 9, 2019 – Adult Forum – Poems and Paintings of Pentecost
Cissy Lewis will lead the forum on Sunday, June 9th, discussing poems and paintings of Pentecost. The poems she will discuss are the following: T.S. Eliot, excerpt from “Little Gidding”; William Blake, excerpt from “Pentecost”; Denise Levertov, “Caedmon”; Malcolm Guite, “Pentecost”; Mark DeBolt, “Pentecostal Hour” and “Pentecost Villanellette”; Philip Larkin, “The Whitsun Weddings.”
May 31 – June 2, 2019 – White Vine Illuminated Manuscript Workshop
Artist, iconographer and teacher Susan Kelly vonMedicus returns to Holy Faith to lead this workshop on Friday, May 31, 5-8 p.m., Saturday, June 1, 1-5 p.m. and Sunday, June, 1-5 p.m. Students will make a decorated initial with the White Vine motif of renaissance Europe. The Initial will be gilded with 23K gold leaf. Decorations will be made using mineral pigments in the manner of the scriptorium of the middle ages. No artistic experience is necessary, all materials will be provided. Fee: $190 tuition plus materials $35 totaling for workshop $225 per student. If students wish to use prepared true skin vellum there is a surcharge of $40. Other options are a vegetable vellum approximation or Bockingford Rag paper. Please indicate preference when registering. Registration with deposit is needed to hold your place. Questions? Email eikon68@aol.com. Please send registration including your name, email, phone number and $125 deposit to: Susan Kelly vonMedicus, 408 Skippack Pike, Fort Washington, Pa. 19034 or Paypal accepted at email: eikon68@aol.com.